Transferable Tax Credit Due Diligence Checklist Summary

Transferable Tax Credit Due Diligence Checklist Summary

Published May 28, 2024 – The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has brought significant changes to the landscape of renewable energy, including the introduction of transferable tax credits. Transferable tax credits have become a popular financial tool that allows businesses to reduce tax liabilities by investing in the growing market of renewable energy. As the transferable market continues to grow, it is imperative to stay informed and execute careful planning and due diligence. To prepare for a transferable tax credit transaction, a due diligence checklist needs to be put into place. Establishing a checklist not only provides a list of standard deliverables, but it allows stakeholders to focus on strategy, structure and deal execution.

Foss & Company’s Partner & Managing Director, Bryen Alperin, was able to collaborate with Norton Rose Fulbright’s Partner, David Burton, Aon’s Global Co-Ceo of M&A and Transaction Solutions, Gary Blitz, and Winthrop & Weinstine Associate, Amber Peterson to publish a due diligence checklist sample stemming around the transfer of tax credits. This expert team developed a due diligence checklist that will show how the scope can vary depending on the complexity and type of credit transfer.

To explore the potential of transferable tax credits, investors and developers need a trusted and innovative partner. Partnering with Foss & Company will offer innovative solutions that empower developers and investors to maximize the value of tax credits while driving positive impact in communities across the nation. Reach out to our team today to learn how our commitment ensures your projects not only succeed financially but leave a lasting legacy.

To dive into the transferable tax credit due diligence checklist, download our white paper today!